Sunday, January 18, 2009

Eye Drops & Chocolate-Covered Macadamia Nuts

I read lots of blogs and browse through several different couponing websites, and recently came across postings of a couple of excellent bargains that I wanted to bring your attention to.

If you're out and about picking up this week's best deals, check your shelves for these tasty little morsels.......

Mauna Loa Milk Chocolate Macadamias are regularly priced in my store at $3.69 per bag. This week, they're on sale for 2 bags for $4.....BUT- there is a coupon for these in the January Easy Saver booklet for $3 off 2 bags! Do the math.....they're .50 cents per bag this week- a steal! I bought 2 bags this evening. Now we're down to 1 bag. (BJ already found 'em!) I'll be looking for more, but I know I'll have to hide them as soon as I bring them in the house. BJ says they're delicious- I wouldn't know....the bag was devoured before I knew it!

I also found Soothe (by Bausch & Lomb) Lubricating Eye Drops on clearance today at my store for $2.79. The regular price was somewhere in the neighborhood of $12. We have $3 coupons for these and they work like a charm! FREE! I brought home 2 boxes and still have some coupons so I'll be looking for more of these at other stores. What I really like about them is that in each box there are 28 sterile single-use (disposable) tubes of drops. These will be so handy to have a few in my purse, make-up bag, etc., for use on-the-go. Seems my eyes are always dry and I've heard wonderful reviews about this product, so I'm glad to have found them. Here's a closer look at the box...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No nuts left in our store!! :( Oh, well--that was an extra we didn't really "Need".....
I am thankful you all left a few Ragu for us late Monday shoppers!! *LOL* I got the last 4 off the shelf, so unless they restock, Carthage's are gone.....