Monday, November 3, 2008

Diapers: What you need to know!

This weekend, I took advantage of the Walgreen's diaper sale on Saturday evening and a couple of times Sunday (yesterday). Just wanted to post a quick blog to let everyone know what to expect when you go in to get you own supply!

There was speculation as to exactly how this would all play out and whether or not an advertised discount would apply to this particular transaction. So, I've done some diaper shopping myself and have the following to report....

The most important thing to remember is YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE COUPON FROM THE PHARMACY!! This lowers your total amount due by $4.00, so be sure to get your hands on one of these! You should be able to keep the coupon to use repeatedly. They've never taken mine, so I've been working with the same coupon for ALL of the packages I've purchased. So, I cannot stress this point enough: get the coupon booklet from the pharmacy before anything else! And another thing: leave the coupon booklet intact. Don't remove the diaper coupon, just fold the booklet over to the page the coupon is on to show the cashier.


After you have that coupon in your hot little hands, go to the diaper aisle. Buy 4 packages. These are the Walgreen's brand of diapers- usually found around here in Missouri in red packages. Sometimes you'll find a white package and sometimes a light green package. ANY Walgreen's diapers will work. They ring up $7.99 for the first, $1.00 for the second. They are advertised as being on sale at $8.99- BOGO free.

After your cashier scans the 4 packages, show him/her your coupon from the pharmacy. They can either scan the coupon with their little scanner gun, or they can type in the last four digits of the coupon from the barcode. This is a Walgreen's STORE coupon, the register will deduct $2.00 off for EACH package you have- even the FREE ones. And since it's a store coupon, it doesn't need to be collected and put into the register like manufacturer's coupons. You should be able to keep it. If they insist, hand it over. Just go get another one from the pharmacy for your next transaction.

So, after the diapers have been rung up, your coupon has been scanned, the cashier will tell you your total. With tax, it's been $10.72 at my store. I've had register rewards to use, as well as a rebate card from last month, so I've used those to pay, and have spent nothing out of pocket thus far. After each trip, I come home and enter my receipts into the Walgreen's website for the "W" card (Prescription Savings plan) which gives 10% back for all Walgreen's HOUSE brand items. This is giving me .90 cents back for every 2 packages.

Bottom line: $20.45 (plus tax) will get you 10 packages of diapers!!!

There are 2 more points to consider....the first: as I mentioned in the previous post, there's a possibility there will be a $5.00 of $20.00 purchase coupon come out for this upcoming weekend. If it does, it will probably be on Thursday late afternoon. (I will immediately post this information as soon as I find out, if it happens!) If so, you will be able to purchase 10 packs of diapers for $15.45. This would be in effect for Friday and Saturday only. Sweet!

Second: If you don't have any of your family's prescriptions filled at Walgreen's, you could transfer a prescription and get diapers for free. Here's how: Walgreen's is offering (through January sometime) a $25.00 gift card for a transferred script. I've found they will do this once for every person in the household. We've done two. That was an easy $50 bucks- which I used toward diapers, of course!

So far, I've come home with 28 packages, and not a penny has come out of my wallet!

Get out there and buy some diapers! Even if they are currently out of the size you need...get whatever size you can and exchange them later for the correct size. You just can't go wrong with these prices!

Happy hunting!

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