Monday, January 12, 2009

Excuses, excuses.....

Trying to come up with the best excuse for my long blogging-absence is more difficult than I thought it would be! I think it happens to most everyone at some point in time... things are coasting along just fine and then a few busy days hit you square in the face, and then the guilt sets in..."I haven't blogged...must write a blog...find the time to blog...don't want to blog..." and before you know it more days go by and more events from "life" slam you against the proverbial brick wall. When enough time passes, you begin to think it's too late to go back and start again- that you've now become the "fickle blogger" that doesn't post regularly and drops off the face of the blogosphere for long periods of time.

Always taught that "Honesty is the Best Policy", I've decided to come clean! Several factors contributed to my disappearance...

1. After "The Great Diaper Week", shopping was somewhat bleak for a few weeks- not much to report!

2. I made a new friend- her name is Sciatic Nerve. I'm not sure how she found me, but she's the type of friend that just showed up one fateful day and has attached herself to my hip. She's rather annoying and has now overstayed her welcome. I can't even sit down at the computer without her nagging me! I've politely asked her to just go away and leave me alone, but she has thus-far refused my requests. I guess the time has come for me to be rude and lay down the law. (Official notice to Ms. Nerve: "You're such a pain in the ass- go away and give me my life back!" hahaha- get it? Pain in the...okay, okay.)

3. BJ's hours were drastically cut at work WITH NO NOTICE just a few weeks before Christmas, and of course that hit us hard. I found myself really depressed and feeling somewhat hopeless. Blogging became the last thing on my mind. Things now seem to be resuming to a state of normalcy, so I'm hoping the financial gloominess continues to dissipate.

4. We had a steady stream of visiting guests for what seemed like weeks over Christmas! Just as one wave went home, another wave came knocking at the door! Don't take that the wrong way... I LOVE having family and friends here, but it does get chaotic at times.

5. Pure laziness. Yep, it happens to the best of us- I cannot lie!

So, here I am- on my knees- trying to redeem myself to you, my loyal and faithful reader. I shall make no promises indicating there will never be a future unexplained hiatus, as I have no crystal ball- BUT, I'll do my best to post regularly again! Let's see how much money we can save in 2009!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful to have you "back"!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodie, first I would like to take the time to say what a caring and thoughtful ting for you to do.
THOSE WHOM ARE TRULY RICH ARE THOSE WHO CARE FOR EACH Now to the thoughts of the valentine products. I sew for a hobby and I would like to make drawstring bags from colorful material that will bring a smile to the beholder to think that someone is thinking of them. Good to hear from you,God will bless you. Lovagoodbuy

Anonymous said...

Hey Jodie, my heart goes out to the women of the shelter but most of all to the innocent children. There is nothing more precious than a child, and the women of that shelter are someones child whom cares for the welfare of their children. I will be thinking of doing more for others after reading your blog today. on to the valentine items. I sew for a hobby and would like to sew some drawstring bags for the children so that they may carry their treasures. Are we allowed to send you something to put into these bags? May God Bless You ans B.J.