Friday, January 23, 2009


I just wanted to post a message- super quickly- to let everybody know that although I know I wrote that the Valentine's Day Contest would end today, I'm going to extend the deadline until tomorrow morning. Why?

Wednesday afternoon, BJ (my hubby) started having chest pains at work. After calling his cardiologist to find out what kind of pain/discomfort is worth worrying about and what's not, I was instructed to take him straight to our local hospital. After several hours of waiting, tests, labs, more waiting... they determined he really needed to be transported to Joplin to Freeman Heart Institute, where just 3 months ago he had a stent placement. I was not allowed to drive him to Freeman- he had to be taken by ambulance, which scared me to death. BJ was admitted to the hospital and monitored all night Wednesday. Thursday morning brought orders from the cardiologist for a new stress test.

The stress test was bothersome enough to BJ's doc that it was determined that there was a need for another angiogram....which was performed at 1pm yesterday. This time, the angiogram showed the need for yet another stent in BJ's right corornary artery, which Dr. Reinsvold revealed should PROBABLY have been "stented" when we were here the first time, but our insurance company said it didn't meet the blockage percentage requirements.... so now we're here for round two!

The good news is that the procedure went smoothly. As I sit here in the hospital room (thank goodness for laptops!) and glance over at my hubby, I am struck with the thought that I am a very blessed woman to have "dodged the bullet" once again. (If you recall from one of my early posts, the cardiologist told me back in September of last year that he placed the original stent in what is commonly known as The Widow Maker.) Even though I'd rather be home and preparing to announce the winner of our great little contest- I thank God instead that BJ is going to be okay.

We have been waiting all day for the doctor to make his rounds- and it's now 1:25pm. We've been told BJ should be released today, but it's getting later and later.....I'm sure it will happen, so we're trying to be patient.

So, if you still have any great ideas for the gifts to the Lafayette House, go ahead and submit your entries! The official cut-off for entries will be 10:00 am Saturday January 24, 2009. At that time, I will submit all entries into an online "random" selector which will determine our winner. As soon as that is completed, I will post the name of the winner here on the blog.

I want to thank everybody once again for participating in the contest. You've all made such a difference in what WOULD have been and what WILL be given to the ladies at Lafayette. I appreciate you all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear he's okay!! I kept thinking I should call today and check on you and see how you were doing, but I didn't want to bother you either--just wanted to check and make sure you were doin ok!
God bless!