Friday, January 23, 2009

We're home!

Finally! It was beginning to look like we were going to have another night of peaceful slumber and royal treatment (haha) in luxurious (another haha) room 223 at Freeman Hospital...but alas, BJ was dismissed, now we're back to "slumming it" at home! : ) And boy did it feel good to walk through our front door!

Is it wrong of me to be ITCHING to make a Walgreen's run?! I've got coupons burning a hole in my pocket! I've only told one other person (Nicki, my sister-in-law- my confidant) a little story that I will now go public with....just to let you know what a Wags addict I've become...

Not knowing what to fully expect, and basically having to fly by the seat of our pants when BJ was taken to the hospital 2 nights ago, I didn't do a very good job of throwing things together in a suitcase. Yesterday, when we were informed he was in need of an angiogram we thought it would be good if he'd jump in the shower at the hospital....since he didn't know when it would be that he'd have the opportunity to shower next. SO...I was helping to gather up all of the things he'd need before, during and after the shower and realized (bad wife!) that I'd forgotten to pack underwear!! Does anyone see where this is going yet?

BJ- getting ready for shower... had to keep IV site dry

Proud to be bio-hazardous!

To invoke a mood of calm, I quickly said, "Okay, don't worry about just shave and get your shower, and while you're doing that, I'll go buy you some new undies. You'll be finished before I get back, but you can go 'commando' for a few minutes." BJ agreed that was a good plan, so off I went. My first thought was Wal-Mart, but I quickly realized Walgreen's was closer. Surely they had men's underwear, right?! Wrong.

But while I was there, I couldn't HELP but look at the clearance end-cap to see if there was anything I couldn't live without....besides, an unknown force was pulling me back there. When I rounded the corner, a golden light was eminating from the bottom shelf (mysteriously, this light was evident only to me- all other shoppers were oblivious to it) and behold! Clearanced Sunsilk styling products! Eight glorious bottles of Waves of Envy! I didn't have a SINGLE coupon with me. They were $1.19 a piece...

The little angel on my right shoulder was whispering in my ear, "Go, Jodie, Go! Run from the store! Your man is waiting for his boxer-briefs!" But the devil perched on my left shoulder was shouting, "GRAB 'EM, YOU IDIOT! IF YOU DON'T, SOMEBODY ELSE WILL! YOU HAVE TIME- JUST DO IT!" The devil won. I snatched up the Sunsilk and scurried off to the register. Total was $10.36. Got a register reward for $10. Yippee!

When I got out to the car, I remembered there was a Dollar General just a few blocks away- ran in, grabbed the underwear, and rushed back to the hospital where BJ was waiting for me- watching TV in the adjust-o-matic bed. All was well. I didn't tell him of my latest quest....I didn't feel it was prudent at the time. In fact, I didn't think I was going to tell ANYBODY but Nicki... but what good is a blog about finding the bargains if I don't tell about ALL of the bargains I find- no matter the circumstances, right?!

Anyone ever heard of "SunsilkGuilt"? It's a side-effect of "WagsAddiction". It's a new sickness, a disease... treatment has yet to be discovered. BJ will surely be one of the first to be signing up his wife once test studies are underway.....

The Devil made me do it!


Anonymous said...

Okay, let me just say...that is hilarious. AND - it was SUNSILK for goodness sake! I use that one on the end - the captivated curls; I love it. I SO would have done the same thing you did.

Anonymous said...

OK--I think you may have a problem *LOL*
this is exactly what my dh is afraid of --hehe!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay I have to agree that it was funny and sunsilk is a TERRIFIC product, I'm sure poppy will understand of your addiction!