(Rules posted below)
Who would like to get their hands on this?! If you haven't yet had the opportunity to try the Yes To Carrots line, here's your chance! The products are wonderful- and so good for your skin, too! The winner will receive: Yes To Carrots Shampoo, Shower Gel, Body Butter, Body Mist, Body Lotion, 3-pack Lip Balm, and a travel pack in a zippered pouch. Approximate retail value- $60.00! You'll LOVE it!
Two weeks ago, I had a nice long chat with the person in charge of donations (Amy) for The Lafayette House in Joplin. For those of you unfamiliar, the Lafayette House is a shelter for women who are victims of domestic violence. Often the residents arrive with only the clothes on their back, having no time to even pack a suitcase.(Rules posted below)


This is where I need your help.....I could use some suggestions from my readers on what items you think would be nice in these goodie bags. As of now, they each will contain a nail polish, a lipstick or lip gloss, a tube of mascara, a small hand lotion, a box of Russell Stover chocolates (Christmas clearance, but they are wrapped in red paper, so still great for V-day!) and some Garnier shampoo and conditioner.
According to Amy, the shelter averages around 23 women at any given time, but the actual number varies I'm planning on making 30 bags just to be sure to have enough. I will also need to have something put together for the children who may be there with their mothers- so I'm planning

I am needing ideas for either free or very low-cost items...something you've seen while out shopping, something we have a great coupon for that would be appropriate, etc. Remember, I need ideas for the ladies as well as their children!
Anyone interested in participating? Here's how it's going to work:
1. Contest is open to everyone!
2. Submission dates are 1/13/09 through 1/23/09
3. For every new and unique idea you submit, your name will be placed in a drawing- the more fresh ideas you have, the better chance you have of winning! Be sure to read all comments so submissions aren't duplicated. Enter as often as you wish!
4. Submissions/ideas MUST be made by commenting to this post via the blog, that way all entries will be viewable by all participants. (Please note: If you use Vista and find you are unable to submit your entry, you may email me at: and I will post it for you.)
5. The winner will be announced on 1/24/09. If the winner is local, we will make arrangements for you to receive your prize. If the winner is one of my out-of-town/state readers, I'll mail your prize to you on 1/26/09!
6. Remember! If I don't know you, and you don't put a name and email address with your entries, there will be no way I can award the prize to you! Now is not the time to be anonymous!
Let's make this fun and play nice! It's for a good cause, and many people will thank you for your help!

Idea #1= Add some shredded paper to the clear bag to hold things in place (I'm all for reusing and recycling---red, pink, maybe newspaper comics!)
Idea #2= add toothpaste, deo., etc. to the women's bags. We've been getting those cheap/free!
idea #3= buy a big box of crayons and divide it into little snack baggies for individual crayon packs for the kids bags
Idea #4= visit the local Big R's surplus store on our town square. They may have great kids gifts cheap--you just NEVER know what they'll have!! $1 toys that are worth $5+, books, and more....
Idea #5= socks
i know--that sounds silly--but it is so nice to have new socks! And kids are always ruining socks (at least my boys are!!). Buy a bag of socks to divide or go to a $ shop (or Big R's) and see what they have. This would work for women or kids. Just an idea--take it or leave it...socks can also be a filler to hold everything in place in order to make it look pretty....
I know--I know--ask me for ideas, i'm gonna give you ideas!!
Idea #6= what about all the glade and airwick stuff? They may not be able to use it while they are in the lafayette house, but a good smelling something is always good (as opposed to cut flowers that die)
One idea for the bags would be the cheap celophane bags that are sold at Hobby Lobby or Michaels that usually have a decorative pattern on the bag that can be used for the goodies
I am not sure what your inventory looks like for hair ties or if you are able to get them for a good price but I thought they would be a good thing for kids or women.
How about a pocket prayer book, distributed by a church or religious organization? Would be something useful a woman in such a situation could use and find inspiration in...
Or a laminated pocket-sized inspirational card?
A scapular, for religious comfort.
Maybe you could get a small stack of "business cards" from a local pastor with the church name/pastor's name and number for counseling or just to provide a name of someone they could talk to.
For kids, how about those Johnson & Johnson Buddy Bars? With $1 J& J coupons, they are free at Wal-Mart!
You can get Colgate toothpaste free this week using the Aetna coupon, for both kids and adults!
Crayons and coloring books- maybe The Dollar Store- don't think there are any coupons out there, but this is something that the kids can entertain themselves with that's not too expensive. I know the purpose is to get them cheap or free, so I'll keep that in mind, just wanted to post this before I forgot!
Check out thrift stores- my store sells kids books for .20 cents, sometimes even .10 cents! Nice ones that are almost brand new!
I know you don't have a CVS, but if you could make it to the nearest one I could forward you the CVS $3 off coupon on CVS products (expiring 1/17) You could use it to buy baby wipes (40 pack)- free with coupon.
Travel wipes- .99 cents (free w/ CVS coupon)
Hydrating body wash- CVS Brand- $2.99
Free with the coupon!
CVS Body soap bars (2 pack)- compares to Dove- $2.99- free with CVS coupon.
CVS body lotion- compares to Vaseline body butter lotion- $2.99
Free with CVS coupon!
CVS version of Vaseline
.59 cents after using CVS coupon!
CVS body wash for kids (varying colors) 12 oz- $2.99...
Free with CVS coupon!
CVS brand cucumber melon or milk & honey body wash- $2.99
Free with CVS coupon
Apple juice @ CVS- got some for my son! $2.99
Free w/ CVS coupon!
CVS plastic cups (would make a great donation to the shelter, in general)
Free w/ CVS coupon!
CVS ziploc bags- again great for shelter donation or for use in the goodie bags...$2.79
Free w/ CVS coupon.
Another idea if you don't have any coupons for about going to a dentists office and ask for a donation of either kids or adults toothbrushes for your charity.
I remember back in the summer at a festival they were like throwing goodie bags with toothbrushes and travel sized paste at everyone... they were practically begging peeps to take them off their hands!
I know this is not going to be as pretty BUT just in case you might start to get lots of stuff that wont fit into a basket ( self made) maybe have people donate their diaper boxes and wrap them up in red wrapping paper. Since xmas stuff is on clearance you may find some solid red paper and it maybe cheaper to do since I know that cellophane paper is not cheap and can add up.( it was like 2.79 over here at my stores. Wdyt? It's just a thought.
So this would be idea # 21 ? lol
One idea would be to get those individual Walmart brand GV no calorie drink mix packets (think Crystal Light) that you put into a water bottle. Place one of those into each baggie.
Another idea, that I have tried, is to get the set of 4 spoons at walmart (they're in the silverware aisle in a box, just silver spoons in a set of 4 with some tape around them), anyway they're 4/1.00. Dip the spoon end into some melted almond bark (chocolate or white) and then wrap with cellophane (just the dipped end after it's hardened). Then you could add a packet of Walmart brand GV hot cocoa or some other cheap brand or maybe even a baggie of homemade cocoa. It's pretty and it looks expensive and gourmet (even though it's not)!!!
What a great idea! How about some gum or mints for the moms? I know there are gum coupons out there. denapeckham(at)yahoo(dot)com
For the kids, maybe some stickers or little notepads.
Granola bars for the kids? Plenty of coupons for those! :)
There is a Ky jelly q for $3 and does not exclude trial size. It just came out it's in the Red plum I have heard that Target has the trial size for 94cents and getting a overage of $2.06. If you have a few of these q's you can get some other goodies for your basket.
Check the dollar spot at Target for things for the kids.
Didn't think these existed but my sis just found some MM 69cent 8 or 10 pack of the juice at target. Ifyou find these you can give them to the kiddies and if you do the ky deal and get overage maybe get some snacks for the kids like the Pepperidge farm fish crackers and maybe a 6 pack of flavored apple sauce.
First of all I think it's great that you are donating to Lafayette House. I'd like to get together some things that I can take to Children's Haven. But, for your bags, maybe you could add some chapstick. I know you can get it pretty cheap.
Kotex pads... Target has them for 2.79 or 2.89.
There was a Target q in ss 1/4 for $2 of any Kotex. I just got a email from for a printable for .75 cent and a $1 off any Kotex. so using the target q and the 75 cent ip if they are that price would make them really cheap,
How about including a nice magazine or something for them to read?
Or, how about a notepad with pencil or paper? That could work for the mom or child, if their kids like to write and draw like mine do. :)
For packaging...instead of using that expensive cellophane wrapping paper maybe you could find some colored saran wrap. Then you could still just sit everything on a board and wrap it up with the saran wrap.
Or, for packaging...if you could find some of those cheap throw blankets that they have at Walgreens you could use that either for filler or to wrap around the items and then tie up with a ribbon. Remember a couple of weeks ago they had those for $1 but I think they are usually really cheap and you could use FREE Register rewards to buy them.
You could also include some of the free First Aid Kits that we are receiving. :)
OhMyGosh! What a great response! Thanks to everyone taking the time to leave suggestions (and entering for the drawing!)...keep coming up with the great ideas- and good luck!
Hi Jodie, first I would like to take the time to say what a caring and thoughtful ting for you to do.
THOSE WHOM ARE TRULY RICH ARE THOSE WHO CARE FOR EACH Now to the thoughts of the valentine products. I sew for a hobby and I would like to make drawstring bags from colorful material that will bring a smile to the beholder to think that someone is thinking of them. Good to hear from you,God will bless you. Lovagoodbuy
Hey Jodie, my heart goes out to the women of the shelter but most of all to the innocent children. There is nothing more precious than a child, and the women of that shelter are someones child whom cares for the welfare of their children. I will be thinking of doing more for others after reading your blog today. on to the valentine items. I sew for a hobby and would like to sew some drawstring bags for the children so that they may carry their treasures. Are we allowed to send you something to put into these bags? May God Bless You ans B.J.
Chalk that come in the big packs at the dollar store. You can open them up and seperate them ( spread them out ) and put in different goody bags for the kids.
For the women some soft slippers. I will double check and get back to you on this with prices. But a friend of mine found some slippers on sale for a little under $2 . I think it was at Carson's or Kohls.
The ones she got were ballet type slippers.
I just found at Cvs fabreeze candles retail 7.99 on clearance for 1.99. There is a $2 q from P & G 12/14 insert. So free after q,.
The scents I got were the Vanilla and the apple spice.
Phone/address book
2009 planner/calender. A way to keep track of any appt's or job interviews they may have scheduled while staying at the home.
Again Cvs had some for 25cents clearance i'm sure you can get them anywhere for really cheap too, dollar store, free at a bank, church etc.
I would say make a few without the cosmetics for those that do not use them. I do not wear makeup or nail polish. But would rather have deodorant, body wash, and things like that.
Jodie, i'm going to email you this info just in case. But today suave is giving a q for free products, just signe up . I"m hoping you get the q intime but it doesnt hurt to try and some freebies for your baskets. Here is the info.......
Sign up Wednesday to get a coupon for a FREE bottle of Suave shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, styling aid, body wash or body lotion (up to $3 value). This coupon offer is good Wednesday only.
A envelope with coupons to help them save some $ when they go do their shopping.
If you need some q's i'm willing to donate what I can.
Hand sanitizers at the Dollar store, I have seen some packs with 3 or 4 small bottles just for a $1
Nail file for the ladies. Strangely these always come in handy. lol
Walgreens has the Bogo free the price for these are 1.99 the coupon was in sundays paper last week $1.00 off any RevlonT ool
Nail files are $1.99 each
Nail file BOGO = 0
Total $1.99
Coupons 2 $1.00 off coupons
Again at Walgreens bogo free also has the Revlon small nail clippers for $2.29 using two of the $1 off revlon coupons would make them 29 cents.
You can buy 10 "coupons" for FREE Frosty's at Wendy's for $1....put one or two in each of the kids Valentine bags, because all kids love Frosty's!
Hi, Jodie
I would like to suggest that red tulle material is inexpensive, pretty colors and you could cut out a square and pull up around the items and tie with a satin bow.
If you ask at the cosmetic counter at Walgreens they will usually give you some samples. By the way jodie. Is it possible for me to send you some things that I have collected? Thank you for being you.
Another potential dollar store item (although you might lose on quality here) is an inflatable bath pillow.
Im not sure if you have Dollar Tree stores where you live at but they have everything from toys (great for the children) to name brand bath/body items for the women. And best of all everything is a dollar.
Multiple travel size pack of tissue/kleenex
Another thought with the enviroment in mind is ... How about getting eco friendly shopping bags to put your gifts in?
I have seen them at Jewel and Cvs or 99cents the cheapest. I know they had some holiday ones but can't remember what store, sorry. But just wanted to mention as a though if you come across them really cheap at the dollar store or maybe wags with your rr's you might be able to get a good deal.
I have been searching online as you can order different colors and print on them your message but so far nothing cheaper than 1.50 each. I"ll keep looking just in case.
I think this would be awesome if you can find them as the ladies can always keep using them for their shopping or just to carry around extra stuff.
Those little drawstring backpacks would be great for putting things in also. I have found out that they hold quite a bit!
For the kids bags, maybe you could include a small stuffed animal of some sort. Since they usually come into the shelter with nothing, this would mean so much. I saw some at Walmart today in the Christmas clearance -- everything left was $0.10 each.
Wow, What a great idea for you to do! I definitely love the items that you have already mentioned in your blog but what about adding some necessity items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodrant. I know those are things that Women still need especially while in a shelter.
Thanks for a great giveaway :)
Another goodie for the kids would be a couple packets of hot chocolate.
I don't know if the shelter would be okay with this, but maybe you could include some sort of pain medicine in the women's bags. I know it's a drug, so some places would frown on it being given out. There has been tons of good deals on them lately.
Something else that would be good for the kids would be those small containers of pla-doh. I know I picked up some multipacks after Christmas for pretty cheap, but they should be just about anywhere.
Know what would be super cute? You could put one of those valentine cards like the kids hand out at school in each of the kids bags. Actually, the mom's would probably like one too.
How about the Johnsons Buddies Soaps for the Kids? There are a lot of coupons available to get those for free.
Maybe some herbal tea. You could buy a box and put 1 or 2 tea bags per bag. I think I remember cutting out some tea coupons last Sunday.
How about including some razors (that we get for free/cheap) with coupons?
Also hairspray.
Nail clippers or manicure set
Trial size anything (deo, body spray etc)
facial wipes or hand wipes/sanitizer! These always come in handy!
Thanks for the generous giveaway and what a wonderful idea for donating!
Small tubes of vaseline or chapstick would be nice for winter months.
Small tubes of vaseline and chapstick would be nice for the winter months.
Get boxes of Little Debbie snack cakes and give an individual one for each.
Small mouthwash bottles would be a great idea.
A new toothbrush would be nice to add to the bag. I'm sure you could find these very inexpensively priced at the Dollar Store.
For the moms I think Kotex pantyliners. Walmart has them for a$1 and there are lots of $1 coupons out there. Little photo albums. For the kids Johnson buddies bars are $1 at Walmart and $1 coupons out there. Gum- I think walgreens has the individual packs of Extra for 3/.99 with in flyer coupon.
I would say a toothbrush and toothpaste. They are low cost and everyone needs one and has to keep replacing them.
What a thoughtful, caring thing to do for these women and children! Don't know if you have a Dollar Tree in your area, but for containers for the items, check the party supplies there. They have cellophane bags with ties, 20 per package for $1.
Pam B.
I have another idea for the kids. How about individual applesauce or puddings? The packages can be broken apart and one placed in each container.
Pam B.
How about little juice boxes? Each child could be given one in their goody bag. They also sell these at Dollar Tree.
Pam B.
If you have a Cracker Barrel close by, the manager might give you some of their gift bags to place the items in, especially when he finds out what the bags are for. It's worth a try.
Pam B.
Individual packages of raisins, candy, gum, cider mix or hot chocolate mix would be appreciated by adults and kids alike.
Pam B.
What about the glade candles that have been freebies?
charlenegale at yahoo dot com
Did you already add Johnson Buddies for the kids? I have found sample sizes of J&J shampoo and such for free with q's as well.
charlenegale at yahoo dot com
Nearly everytime I go to target I find the .69 Minute Maid juices in the 10 pks. Maybe a juice per bag for kids and what about a Kashi bar (from the free or 2/1 q's? for the children too?
charlenegale at yahoo dot com
do you have the ability/time to bake? what about a small cupcake for the kids? i find 10/10 deals on pillsbury all the time and with q's you can get cake and frosting for super cheap. fresh baked goods are so wonderful- but maybe the center doesn't allow that?
charlenegale at yahoo dot com
If all you had were the clothes on your back, you would certainly need something else to wear. If you had a list of their sizes, would your church members come to their aid as well? Or perhaps a local thrift shop would donate a $5or $10 coupon per person? The coupons could be placed inside the gift bags along with the other stuff.
Pam B.
What about a bar of soap, even the free kind you get from hotels?
Pam B.
You can buy kids books at Dollar Tree with multiples per package. Also, you could donate free coloring books availble from the internet.
Pam B.
How about including some microwave popcorn in the goody bags?
Pam B.
How about some inexpensive (or donated) gloves, mitens, scarves, hats, etc?
Pam B.
I think your idea is very generous. Do you think you could just decorate some paper bags with valentine stickers? It should be inexpensive and maybe even free if your grocer would help you out. Thanks for letting me comment.
How about a small notepad with a pen?
Dollar stores are great for this.
Insurance companies are always giving away travel size sewing kits, first aid kits, eyeglass repair kits, etc. Do you know anyone in the insurance business who would be willing to donate a few items for the goody bags?
Could you use shoeboxes for your goody bags? Maybe wrap them in red paper or buy the plastic ones that cost a buck at the dollar store?
Collect magazines that friends & family are finished with. Someone else could enjoy them!
How about putting a Pepsi product in each bag? I'm sure we all bought them cheap with the Pepsi/Lays rebate and Walgreen's Register Rewards deal.
This is not an idea for the goody bags, but an idea for the shelter. With all the free magazine subscriptions available, why not send some to the shelter? Then all the women who need a place to stay in the future could share the mags.
Pam B.
I know, this is getting off the subject a little bit, but how about siging up the shelter for free samples of feminine products, etc. whenever they are available? Or better yet, show someone at the shelter how to request the freebies and they can get their own. Then they will at least have a "free stash" of stuff they can use when people need it.
Pam B.
Our Kroger pharmacy always has lollipops on the counter. If you have to fill a prescription (or even if you don't), take your family with you the next time you shop. Ask everyone to get a few lollipops and you should have enough for each child at the shelter, totally free. Sometimes they also have samples of pain relievers and occasionally other freebies. Just a thought.
Pam B.
Every kid in America who eats fast food always has extra toys from Kid's Meals. How about taking up a collection from family, friends, church members, etc. to collect those unopened extras from McDonald's, Wendy's, Sonic, Arby's and so on,to put in the goody bags for the kids at the shelter? Totally free!
Pam B.
Another could give each woman an inexpensive prepaid phone card if you can find one that doesn't cost much. I think you can get a 30 minute or 1 hour card fairly cheap.
Pam B.
I think you are a wonderful, caring person to put together goody bags for these women and their children. What do you think about giving them the free samples that have been posted, like cereal, cereal bars, laundry detergent, etc. I'm not sure what the center provides, but they can always use their goodies after they leave.
Pam B.
An idea for the kids would be to include a coloring book and some crayons. If you go to a local eatery, they will normally donate a box or 2 of the prepackaged crayons.
For the womens bags what about going to a clearance store and picking up puzzle books, crossword puzzle books etc. Here in Ca, you can pick those up for cheap
I just thought of a couple of other ways to package your goodies. You could use plastic gallon ice cream containers or milk jugs (cut off the top of the jugs). Wrap them in either the large Saran Wrap or cellophane. Saran Wrap may be cheaper unless you have a way of getting cellophane at a great price. Thanks,
Pam B.
for the kids or women could include basic things like pencils, a calendar, candies, soaps, toiletries, socks at the dollar store.
Plastic containers from baby wipes may be a good way to package the kids' goodies, unless the items are too large. If they are small, the containers will work well, plus they can be closed up so the pieces won't get lost.
Pam B.
An idea just popped into my head! Go to this website: or just do a search for Pumpkins Freebies and look at their toll free number and website
stuff for kids. There are some things you can get up to 25 of for free, such as Scruff McGruff comic books, etc. Maybe it will help with the kid stuff and you won't have to pay for any of it.
Pam B.
Wow, a lot of good ideas! The only thing I can think of that hasn't been listed is hair brushes, combs, shower caps.
CVS has free Reese's whips candy bars. They are on sale 2/1. There is a coupon in 1/4 smartsource that gives you 1/2 which makes the candy bars free!!
This would take some of your personal time but I think a certificate inviting them to a class (to be held by you or a knowledgeable volunteer) to teach the women how to use the coupons so the goodies aren't over after Valentine's day. "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day but teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime." What you are doing is fantastic!!!!
Check with your local paper and find out if they would be willing to donate coupon inserts for the women at the shelter. They pick up the papers that do not sell from the stores to recycle anyway. What better way to recycle!!
If you have a chic-fil-a nearby, check with them to see if they would be willing to donate certifates for a free chic-fil-a sandwich. The founder of the company has a big heart for kids in need. We see Chic-fil-a around town at local faith based family fun days and such where they hand out these same coupons.
What about hand sanitizers to put in the women's and children's bags. Those are rather inexpensive and very practical.
Some of the ladies may be in need of a job. Childcare may be an issue while going on interviews. Would some of the local churches be willing to pair them with TRUSTED (empahasis on trusted) parishioners (possibly retirees) who would be willing to go to the shelter and entertain the children while the mothers are going on their interviews. Include in the basket a list of participating churches phone numbers. Just an idea.
Take a pillowcase inside place a small foam pillow, a teddy bear and some toiletries for the kids: toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, travel size shapoos etc in a msall cosmetic bag. If there is space add a book, game or toys.
I have done these packs before and we went to the local dollar store and found great items.
I worked for a shelter and we used to collect travel size toiletries and put them into care packages as you are doing. Just the basics in a ziploc bag.
When you are in a shelter it's nice to have stuff that's your own and you need the basics. I would suggest buying inexpensive towels. A bath size and washcloth. Put in a tote bag or backpack or gift bags you get at the dollar store. Then add soap, shampoos etc. Having your own special towel and items will go a long way.
Small bag of peanuts.
Cindy H
Use Clinique bonus items that you don't care for.
I lived at a shelter several years ago, and I really appreciated soft, cozy socks. There was something comforting about them. Thank you for what you are doing!
A list of local organizations that can help them either before or after they leave the shelter. Their finances may not be the best due to their current situations. The list could contain a list of low cost day care or after-school care (or how to obtain financial assistance with daycare), local food pantries, how to apply for food stamps, local churches, someone willing to help with resumes, local job fairs, how to get medical assistance, how to obtain housing assistance or help with utilities, any benefits available to low income families. Might come in handy for some of the ladies.
Pam B.
Don't know about your community, but ours is very generous when it comes to helping those in need. I would go door to door to local businesses and ask if they would be willing to donate anything. Your local hair salon might give the kids free haircuts, the grocer might donate produce or non-perishable snacks for the bags, the realtor may donate calendars, the restaurant may donate coloring books, toys or crayons, the clothier may donate t-shirts for the kids, some may donate money, you never know what anyone is willing to do unless you ask. I have asked for donations before and was truly amazed at the kindess of businesses and the items we received. You just have to get your nerve up. After the first few times, it becomes easier. You may not want to ask for help from others, but this was just a suggestion.
Pam B.
Another tip from me! Local organizations are always asking for donations of used cell phones, since they can be used to call 911 in an emercency. Perhaps this is an option? They would fit nicely in those goody bags.
Pam B.
Can you tell that I REALLY want to win that basket of Yes products? Also, want to share all the ideas that pop into my head. This would not fit into the goody bags, but maybe some of the local doctors, nurse practitioners,or dentists would donate their time by paying occasional visits to the center.
Pam B.
I know someone mentioned books, but what about donations of used adult and children's books from family, friends, neighbors, etc. They would fit into the bags at totally no cost to you.
Pam B.
Seeds to grow a garden, herbs, vegetables, flowers. I've had them donated to me before by a local business. They were left over from a local event and had the business name on them, but who cares? Very small, will fit into the smallest of bags!
Pam B.
stickers or temporary tatoos for the kids, very inexpensive.
Pam B.
Pixie sticks (the kind you eat) or bubble gum for the kids. You can get about 50 for a buck at Dollar General.
an inexpensive pair of sunglasses from Dollar Tree. I hope they won't be needed, but perhaps someone would need to cover up a black eye.
Pam B.
bottled water or plastic refillable water container
Pam B.
I know you have already thought of this, but if you plan to help the center next Valentine's Day, be sure to watch the markdowns and buy things really cheap for next time. At the last Valentine's Day clearance sale, I saw velvet roses for a dime, valentines were also a dime, hard candy like the little Necco hearts with corny sayings on them, found at Walgreen's 10 packs for 15 cents (these do not ruin if kept at room temperature). I still have some from last Easter. You could always buy some Hershey's kisses and put a few in each bag this year. I really wish you luck with this and I have enjoyed sharing my ideas, some good, some not so good, with you! Thank you so much for allowing me to use my brain for something different.
Pam B.
Perhaps a couple of blank greeting cards with envelopes and a couple of stamps or maybe some pre-stamped post cards. The women may need to contact their family or friends.
Pam B.
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